Zoraz.com ShaunAMoore.com
Zoraz - Information Center


Information Center

Network Sites

Game Room

Here is where you will find the updates and other information about this site. The most current information will be displayed at the top, with everything else that is old and useless getting pushed down to the bottom, as it should be. As well, if you should have anything pointless to say to me, you could probably send me an email at zoraz@hotmail.com.

February 28, 2006

With the quest to get The Plastic Room published, I have secured a new domain name: www.shaunamoore.com. Design will take me a bit of time, but eventually I'll have every step of my journal documented.


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July 21, 2005

Quite a lot has changed since last time. I'm actually hosted by a reliable company now, so my site looks like it is here to stay. I am finally getting all the other sites back up online too.

I did eventually finish the third draft of The Plastic Room, and this time I really plan on trying to get it published. I am currently in search of an agent. For a preview of the book, the prologue and the first three chapters, you can visit my Works in Progress page.

I've also founds lots of other flash games, so I updated the Game Room again.


  • Game Room

July 12, 2004

I have finally finished the second draft of my book - The Plastic Room - and I plan on trying to get it published now, God willing. Perhaps that isn't the best saying, considering the subject of the book, but I'll need all the help I can get. For a preview of the book, the prologue and the first three chapters, you can visit my Works in Progress page.

March 2, 2004

Much time has passed since I've updated this site. I have done things on other sites on this network, but this main site I have left open for quite some time. The fact is, you won't notice much change at all, since it has a lot to do with the code, but the page works better for me I'll tell you that much. The top navigation has changed a bit too, and is trying to get on every page.


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October 29, 2003

Happy Angel's Day. That's right, normally this would be called Devil's Day and Devil's Night, but they have recently changed it so that it has more of a positive influence on people. We'll see about that. But either way, I have worked a bit more on the network today. I have linked more of the different sites up at the top navigation bar, which appears at the home page of each site now. I have also added in the swirling effect on each of these pages. This may annoy me so it might not stay, we shall have to see. I have also added a very annoying example test page.


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October 28, 2003

It has been quite a while since I was able to update this site. Unfortunately I don't have a whole lot to add here. I did create a nice new site that I call the Vault, you'll see the addition of the button over there on the right, so at least I got that done. This site has much to offer as long as you can find a way in. Good luck. But there is a public domain part, Open Vault, and you'll see the password posted on the page there to login.


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June 2, 2003

Well ever since I found this horribly addticting game called Helicopter I decided to put a game room up here for others to play that game, and others that I have found.


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May 14, 2003

Well I have finished with my semester in France, though I am still here for a few more months. This gives me all kinds of time to do more sites though, so I have opened up the Zoraz.com network to many more sites that I will finish one day in the future. I have not opened up links to these sites yet, as they are all still in the developing stages, but soon there will be more links opening up to the right there. I have already added one for my Webmail.

Along with that, I have changed the look of this site a bit too. I added my own dragon design to the home page, since that is always better, and I sent Zoraz.com out in space. Yes, after that nice glass plate finish, we were ready to launch.


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April 28, 2003

As I had stated in my previous update, I will be changing around the look of this site often because I like to do wacky things like that with my free time. Don't ask. The updates probably won't normally occur this often, seeing as how I usually have more productive things to do, or so I am told, but when I first get a site going I usually obsess over it for a week or two. The real reason is that I'm going through exams over here in France at the moment, and so naturally, when I sit down to try and get some studying done, my mind wanders.

So I have added a glass plate on the front of each page because I have heard rumors of people trying to sneak in during the night to steal my fine white font. I also added more images around the border of the page because this also pleases me. As well, I have put a new dragon picture on the home page because I think it works better to open up your site with a threat to the general public.

April 27, 2003

Well I finally got Zoraz.com off the ground. This site will continue to change until I finally make up my mind and keep it that way, which will most likely be never.

As of right now, all you can really get to from here is my En France web site and the beginnings of my Writing site. I will eventually have more things on this site itself, but for now I just wanted to get it started.


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